Prayer Request Archive

Near-Term Requests


Date AddedRequestRequesterResolution
Aug 27, 2023Sandy recovering from knee replacement surgeryS. Cox3/28/24: Sandy is doing great!
Sep 29, 2023Betty Arnold (Stacey’s sister)
recovering from hip replacement
S. Cox3/28/24: Betty doing great!
Sep 20, 2023Amariah recovering from auto accident
due to epileptic seizure
Fr. Foos+2/11/24 . Amariah is home, doing well, and was baptized!
prayers that she would grow in her faith
Sep 14, 2023Work for Katherine that would fit her skills, talents,
and personality and meet her financial needs.spiritual/emotional/physical needs in Katherine’s family
esp. her mother
K. Ganakis2/11/24 . Found work! questioning long-term fit
Oct 20, 2023Janice struggling with sinus
problems. May need surgery
Fr. Bartel+1/13/24 . Using sinus treatment that has dramatically helped. still may need surgery
Sep 19, 2023Mike M. recovering from surgery to
remove a portion of his lung.
Fr. Bartel+1/13/24 . Mike is making a good recovery and
seems to be doing relatively well.
Nov 3, 2023for the upcoming DMA Synod, Nov. 29-30, that God
would guide in the election of our next suffragan bishop.
Fr. Kent+We give thanks for the election and approval of Charles Camilin
to be our next suffragan bishop
Aug 20, 2023Laura and Micah as they relocate to SingaporeFr. Bartel+successfully settled in (updated 10/29/23)
Sep 8, 2023Steve K. – emergency medical challenges & diseaseK. Ganakissadly, Steve passed away late September
Aug 8, 2023For Roger W being evaluated for a pacemakerFr. Bartel+thanksgiving that Dr. concluded a pacemaker was not needed – just more exercise
Aug 20, 2023that Mason would be able to visit his
grandfather during his last days
Fr. Bartel+Mason was able to have a good trip to visit his grandfather who has since passed away.
For those recovering from Injuries
For those with upcoming medical procedures
Jul 23, 2023Pam originally scheduled for shoulder surgeryFr. Bartel+during pre-op exam some blocked arteries were discovered.
Thankfully these have been successfully treated with stints.
For parishioners and friends who are ill


Long-Term Requests


Date AddedRequestRequesterResolution
For those suffering from Chronic illnesses
For those battling cancer
For those with mental and emotional struggles


General Requests


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